Jamie Courville’s career has included sassily doing continuity for Muppets, editing video art, working in post for documentaries, and founding a video collective. Her audio portraits have appeared on public radio stations, both broadcast across the US and on web-based platforms. She frequently partners with the Brooklyn Public Library for listening events, workshops and conversations. Her work examines perceptions of disease, race, gender and class. In addition to Gowanus Current, recent projects include the short experimental documentary “Kuleshov in 2020”, and “Drift”, an exhibition of media art installations contemplating the changing Gowanus landscape.

Awards include NYSCA Individual Artist Support, NYFA CityCorps Grant, and Brooklyn Arts Fund from the Brooklyn Arts Council.



“Jamie is a talented, dedicated collaborator. I had the pleasure of working with her to design a series of podcasting workshops for teens at the Canarsie branch of the Brooklyn Public Library. Jamie provided insight into the audio making process as we crafted the proposal for the project, called the KNRC Youth Radio. After the idea won funding through the BKLYN Incubator, Jamie helped make the project a reality. She wrote the curriculum for six weekly workshops, and then co-lead the sessions. Jamie taught a group of teenage students about storytelling and interviewing, and helped them record meaningful content that turned into a published podcast. At the culminating Listening Event, she gave a thoughtful talk about the power of listening. Jamie made a positive impact on teens at the library, and her hard work made this program possible. I recommend Jamie as a passionate, driven community partner and instructor!”

- Cassandra Hickman, Librarian

“Jamie Courville has an outstanding ability to make a story interesting and compelling. With her belief in the power of personal history and experience, Jamie makes it possible for us to learn from each other's lives. She does this by providing innovative tools that encourage connections. I would recommend Jamie as a thorough, articulate professional that will help anyone find their voice and tell their story.”

- Elizabeth Jordan, Artist

“I met Jamie on line a little over a year ago. We never met in person but we started collaborating as we are both interested in storytelling with a social impact. Just like Jamie, I myself have worked in tv and radio for most of my career and I met Jamie while developing my own audio documentary project Docusound; I loved her Squirrel Stories so much that I asked here to share on my site those deeply moving and sincere stories about individuals living with cancer.

If you are looking tell your own or your company’s story, I would recommend Jamie to assist you as her storytelling skills are unique, from a professional and personal point of view.”

- Fabrizia Galvagno, Journalist and Media Activist

“If you agree that a good story well told ranks highly among life's great satisfactions, then working with Jamie will make you happy-- and in so doing, you will have achieved one of life's even greater satisfactions. Jamie is focused, compassionate, has guts + integrity + smarts and is seriously fun to work with. I'd welcome the chance for any opportunity to team with her.”

- Betsy Aaron, Writer